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Maximizing Points with Mystery Shopping

Buying gift cards is one method for earning extra points, but a great way to maximize credit card rewards without spending your own money is through mystery shopping. While there are definitely scams out there, legitimate mystery shopping companies exist. I’ve been reimbursed for retail and fast food shops that not only paid for my time, but also allowed me to put the expense on a credit card that earned a good bonus. Recently there was a grocery shop I was really able to come out ahead on. While I can’t disclose the business, I can say that I used a card that earned 5% and was reimbursed for the product I purchased. This particular store also offers 2% back in store rewards.

I’ve also seen mystery shops where the entire cost of a luxury hotel stay is covered. The dates have never lined up for me, but that would be a great points deal as it could be booked with a high earning card for that hotel chain. It would be a cash stay, so it would also count toward elite status for the hotel. I’m hoping I’ll be able to do one of those eventually–it could be the ultimate credit trip!

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